Weeknotes 24: A 4 day-er

  • Bit of a rapid week that one.
  • Tuesday catch up day in the office.
  • Wednesday I worked on EASA planning. We might extend the project over two weeks, and do something a little different for the first week. There is a lot to work out with this though. TBC
  • I digitised the Trespassers will be Celebrated tape from 1982 that Terry passed on to me last week. It’s available on Soundcloud here. It’s a lovely document/piece of campaign material with really key voices from the access movement like Benny Rothman, Stephen Morton and Dick Williams. It’s also peppered with some great rambling songs (which I’ve not been able to get rid of from my head since). I need to update the notes with who is on the tape and who made it, which Terry has given me details of. I hadn’t realised but there is also a slide show to go with it, which also needs digitising at some point and if I can find the right equipment (needs a decent slide scanner).
  • Thursday I met with Terry (again) and Les who deals with access in the Sheffield Ramblers. This was another rich meeting learning some very specific history and knowledge around access in and around Wharncliffe and Greno woods, and Alport Valley.
    • We talked about some of the nuances of de-facto and technical access land, history of mining, and ownership (estates, Wildlife trust, Network Rail FE, etc.) of the space around here. There is a new track being built along the bottom of the woods running alongside the old railway line which we discussed in quite a lot of detail because of the ways it is cut off by what seems like one specific level crossing.
    • Also interesting hearing about the specific geology of Wharncliffe, how it was mined (for ganister), its coal seam, and what that means for the forest that is there now, as well as its industrial history (which goes back a long time!)
    • We’re going to reconvene and go for a walk/interview. I now need to put together a brief for Terry and Les to develop a walking tour which might problematise access and use of these spaces.
    • I am also going to join their upcoming Woodcraft Folk walks. I’m interested to think about the forms of democracy suggested by Woodcraft Folk (and perhaps the organisations that preceded them), and how or if these have/might have some steering over the ways FE operate. We briefly discussed developing something around this, but I think it needs a lot more thought and a much clearer articulation.
    • The second image is from Greno woods and a camp fire area I stumbled on on Thursday night. Its locked off, so I’m going to do some digging into who’s it is and why that might be.
  • Today is another catching up sorting out kind of day. Preparing some slides for an event on Monday around creative practices and participation.
  • Bye then.

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