Weeknotes 30: Storytelling is not dead, it has gone to war


I’m really out of the habit of publishing week notes, partly because Friday’s have tended to be fieldwork days, and when I get back I’m too tired to write anything. But this week I’m at home ill. Late to the … more more more, more

Everything is a prototype but not at all in the same way: Towards an ecology of prototyping


I’ve been pretty (really) slow on the week notes over summer, its a shame because there has been a lot going on, lots to write and think about, but I’ve not managed to get to any of it yet. In … more more more, more

Weeknotes 29: Scotland


I’ve been in Scotland all week. We drove for quite a long time Walked up a couple of mountains Swam in several lochs Canoed Met some seals Got excited/confused/scared about how you navigate when you have a right to roam

Weeknotes 28: Walking, Rock of Resolution


Lots of walking this week First of our lunch time wellbeing walks on Monday. A walk to the Rock of Resolution (starting place of Sheffield Woodcraft Folk) with Terry on Tuesday. Picked up his collection of SCAM slides that we … more more more, more

Weeknotes 27: Creative Enquiry


Pretty sure I’ve missed a week with all of the bank holidays and being away at the end of last week. On Friday 5th we ran the Creative Enquiry event here at Sheffield with some brilliant speakers (Barbara Bolt, Kat … more more more, more

Weeknotes 26:


Started the week with a walk with the Left Foot Forward walking group — a group who were brought together around various labour movements, unions and the Woodcraft Folk, and who maintain a stake in Wortley Hall. I think there … more more more, more

Weeknotes 25: Bit late


Bit late with this one. Bit of a weird week too. Started with a workshop on Creative Practice as Participatory Research (brilliantly organised by Jennifer Coates and Wayne Wong) with colleagues from Sheffield. A great day, met some lovely people … more more more, more

Weeknotes 24: A 4 day-er


Bit of a rapid week that one. Tuesday catch up day in the office. Wednesday I worked on EASA planning. We might extend the project over two weeks, and do something a little different for the first week. There is … more more more, more

Weeknotes 23: Walking, talking and planting


Started this week by meeting with Terry about the EASA Walking & Reading project. Brilliant, fascinating meeting. Left with a huge stack of references to source and brush up on relating to Kinder trespass, Ramblers, and the various movements since … more more more, more

Weeknotes 22: Matlock


On a roll now… three weeks. As part of trying to find new field sites for the Co-designing Forests project, this week started with a visit to Matlock Moors. Bella and I spent the day there walking around and through … more more more, more

Weeknotes 21: Strikes and articles


Yes yes, two weeks on the trot. More strikes this week. Feeling a real political impotence being on research leave, realising that nobody notices if I’m on strike or not… clearly that’s not the point in expressing solidarity, but it … more more more, more

Weeknotes 20: Shovelling


Well well, another long time between posts This weekend I spent a lot of time shovelling. On Saturday CP, Bella and I met up with the Friends of Parkwood Springs to fix up the new entrance at Standish Way which … more more more, more

Weeknotes 19: Starting


The week started with the first meeting with Ride Sheffield a trail association/advocates/trail designers and builders/representatives of riders in Sheffield/maintenance people (this sort of summarises the discussions of what it is that they are that we had during the meeting). … more more more, more

Weeknotes 18: Parkwood springs dig


Saturday. Just back from a solo dig session at Parkwood Springs. I worked on an unnamed track which has been there for awhile running down through the old ski village, so it’s pretty neglected, pretty abandoned, and ends pretty abruptly … more more more, more

Weeknotes 17: New year

Going to try to get back to it this year. Not a NY resolution, but also maybe it is a little. Before Christmas was a little ridiculous with commuting from Sheff down to London a lot, selling our house, and, … more more more, more

Weeknotes 16: (blank)

Found in drafts, nothing.

Weeknotes 15: Two weeks of cleaning


I missed two weeks.We’ve moved now into a temporary place so I’ve basically been cleaning houses and ripping out carpets. And driving back and forth from London to Sheffield. Joy!Very little ‘real work’ been going on recently, but I have … more more more, more

Weeknotes 14: PDC, and a missed week in Sheffield


Last week was mainly spent looking for houses in Sheffield (unsuccessfully).This week was PDC, highlights include:Great workshop by Michael Chew and David Chatting on visualising environmental actions using photo stories. Some good lessons to take from this around speculating on … more more more, more

Weeknotes 13: Missing Mountains


Whoops, it’s been a while.After EASST it was a bit of a whirlwind to get packed up and move out of Denmark. We made it out almost a month ago now. We packed all of our stuff into the back … more more more, more

Weeknotes 12: EASST, lovely Madrid


Early part of the week I managed to do a bit of carpentry at Godsbanen to get ready for our van trip, always nice.Flew to Madrid Wednesday for EASST, highlights included:Two panels on unseen participation with some interesting discussion on … more more more, more